New Hampshire style maple-glazed carrots

Lily Deheny, Food and Drink Editor

This recipe works best in a place with access to lots of maple syrup — like my home state of New Hampshire (but in Minnesota you can make do.)

Specifically real maple syrup, since for this recipe you need the real deal. Not that knockoff, fake stuff in those bottles with pancakes on the front.

You need that stuff kids in New England (and other areas) drizzle on top of fresh snow during March blizzards. My dad makes syrup, so I always had easy access to some of the best New England syrup from him and the rest of my family (seriously, my uncle won an award for it).

This recipe’s key ingredient is maple syrup, but it’s pretty expensive at Target and even Aldi. Instead, when I cook it at school, I substitute either brown sugar and melted butter or honey.

I didn’t include specific measurements because it’s really up to you and your preferances.

This recipe is very simple and although it involves expensive syrup, it includes:

Carrots (either baby or small portions of large ones)

Maple syrup, alternatively brown sugar or honey


Feel free to add spices for taste like cinnamon, ginger, etc.


1. Cut carrots into pieces no larger than 1-2 inches. Carrots with a large diameter should be cut in half!

2. Steam carrots on the stove until mostly tender (I like a little crunch, but it’s up to you!).

3. While steaming the carrots heat the syrup, butter or honey.

4. For the brown sugar variation: When the butter is heated, stir in brown sugar until it dissolves.

5. While the glaze is heating, stir in any spices.

6. When the carrots finish steaming, drizzle the glaze onto them. Feel free to drown those carrots!

7. Continue to heat the carrots for about a minute to allow the glaze to seep in.

8. Let your glazed carrots cool and enjoy!

This recipe is based on some carrot recipes in “The New Laurel’s Kitchen Cookbook.” If you’re looking for more recipes using carrots or other vegetarian recipes this is a great book.