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Antisemitism is rising on campus, in MCSG and elsewhere

Antisemitism is rising on campus, in MCSG and elsewhere

Editor’s note: In circumstances where contributors face safety concerns, The Mac Weekly may publish anonymous opinion articles. The authors of this piece have expressed concerns about antisemitism, and The Mac Weekly has chosen to honor their request for anonymity. 


On Thursday, Nov. 16, a resolution based on antisemitic tenets was brought before the Macalester College Student Government (MCSG) Legislative Body. This resolution was based on misinformation spread by Hamas and perpetuated through social media channels which ignore the nuances of the conflict and its origins. In light of this resolution, we are writing to contextualize this information and reframe conversations on campus.

Before jumping into our piece, we wanted to address why we have remained anonymous. Antisemitic backlash is skyrocketing around the country, particularly on elite college campuses. History has shown us that we are not safe, so we have chosen to stay nameless.

The loss of life which occurred during Israel’s invasion of Gaza is tragic and profound in its consequences. We mourn the loss of our Palestinian cousins. We are horrified that Hamas has chosen to integrate military infrastructure into civilian facilities; they have directly violated the Geneva Conventions and the Additional Protocols, and as a result, innocent Palestinians are suffering. Hamas has abandoned the people it has a responsibility to protect and has instead spent copious resources on building tunnels, rockets and other military equipment. It builds military bases in schools and hospitals, including the Al Shifa hospital in Gaza City, which was recently the target of Israeli raids to free hostages and secure the safety of Jews in the country.

Israel has a right and obligation to protect itself and its citizens. Like any other rational state actor, Israel is responding to Hamas’s latest attack: an attack not on a military base, or a government building, but a brutal pogrom against civilians in the south. This episode is but the latest in a series of attacks driven by Hamas’s blatant antisemitism.

The founding covenant of Hamas declares that “The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews [killing the Jews], when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees.” This is a radical and destructive reconstruction of Muslim theology, and the adoption of Hamas slogans on campus perpetuates a dangerous environment.

“From the river to the sea” is a Hamas slogan used to refer to Hamas taking control of the land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea — the land that is currently Israel. The phrase has become the raison d’être of the organization. We’ve seen what happens to Jews who have the misfortune to encounter members of Hamas. When students or faculty on campus say “from the river to the sea,” knowingly or not, they are calling for the destruction of the state of Israel and the expulsion or murder of the Jews who live there.

This antisemitic rhetoric does not stand alone on campus. MCSG’s Resolution 13 calls for the college to end study abroad programs in Israel. The resolution presents a one-sided view of history and singles out Israel for the choices it has been forced to make to defend itself. Numerous nations have acted in ways that Macalester students would deem unethical. Why, then, is Israel the only country that students on campus are singling out? Why is Israel the only country that has prompted a resolution by MCSG?

There are at least 14 other countries offered to Macalester students for study away that have been criticized by the same organizations, such as Amnesty International, who criticize Israel, yet Israel is singled out. Students seem outraged only by the Jewish state.

In a modern context, where the state of Israel is not a thought experiment, but an actual home to many Jews, Muslims, Christians and Druze living peacefully side by side, Anti-Zionism is an argument for the destruction of the Jewish state. Arguing that Jews do not have a right to self-determination is, at its core, an antisemitic ideology. The petition cited by Resolution 13 references sources such as which oppose the right of the state of Israel to exist as a Jewish state. It is antisemitic.

Millennia of history provide background to the current situation. In 1967, Israel faced a terrifying predicament; upon the revelation that its neighbors were mobilizing their military forces in efforts to destabilize the area, Israel launched a defensive military effort against Egypt, with Syria, Jordan, Iraq and Lebanon joining the conflict over the next several days. During the resulting Six Day War, Israel took control of the West Bank, Golan Heights, Sinai Peninsula and Gaza Strip.

After seizing over 23,000 square miles of the Sinai Peninsula, Israel returned that land, which was approximately the same size as Israel at the time, to Egypt, and only maintained a presence in the Golan Heights (formerly part of Syria), Gaza (previously part of Egypt) and the West Bank (previously part of Jordan) for the security of its people.

In 2005, Israel withdrew its military presence from Gaza, granting the Strip full autonomy, and launched the upgrade of the blockade between Israel and Gaza. Two years later, in 2007, Hamas was elected and began rocket attacks on Israel. In 2008, Egypt began construction of their own barrier along the Rafah/Gaza border following a breach of the border by Hamas. Israel has come to the table to negotiate a two-state solution multiple times throughout the last few decades, most recently at the tail end of the Clinton era, but the Palestinian Authority rejected every opportunity for peace.

It is difficult to see how a multicultural state can be called an apartheid country when minorities are enfranchised to participate in government, enjoy full protection under the law and live side-by-side with the Jewish majority. Religious minorities in Israel are not only permitted but protected by the Israeli government to practice and maintain their own holy spaces. These same privileges are not afforded to Jews in surrounding countries.

To claim ‘apartheid’ and ‘genocide’ in Israel and the Gaza Strip is a misuse of those words which is offensive to those who have actually suffered their harsh realities. If Israel was committed to carrying out a genocide, it would not provide multiple types of warnings to civilians, beyond mass evacuation notices, before dropping bombs.

This is not to say that every action carried out by the Israeli government is right or morally sound. In fact, as writers of this article, we shared a serious conversation regarding our strong disagreement with certain actions carried out by the Israeli government and frustration with the current Israeli administration; however, that does not diminish Israel’s right to defend itself without being labeled as a settler colonial power. 

We are outraged and terrified by MCSG’s resolution that appropriates Hamas ideology under the guise of moral justice. We are outraged and terrified by members of our campus community calling for an ethnic cleansing of Jews “from the river to the sea” in front of our campus center. We urge you to consider your own speech and actions as the conflict continues. We are all working toward the same goal: peace.

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  • D

    David CDec 8, 2023 at 5:03 am

    The hateful and ignorant responses to this piece reinforce the authors’ points. I think this column and the responses to it are a clear testament to the social, emotional and intellectual climate at Macalester. Hopefully, years from now, people can learn something from this. Hopefully, someday, there can be healing and growth.

    • A

      Andy RDec 8, 2023 at 11:32 pm

      You said it better than I could.

      • E

        Evan JacobiJun 26, 2024 at 8:58 pm

        S/he also said it better than I could; I’m ‘liking’ both your response and mine!

  • B

    Briah CooleyDec 2, 2023 at 5:10 pm

    Who in the hell let this be published. As an alumna, I am absolutely ashamed to see media like this be released from my alma mater. To be tricked and lied to about propaganda, and then to further try to spread it to the wider Macalester community, is criminal and a misuse of journalistic tools. Human life, the most precious and mysterious thing in this world, is being taken away at unprecedented rates, the entire world is watching, and this is what your take away is. Shameful.

  • R

    Rebecca EdwardsDec 1, 2023 at 3:46 pm

    What on earth?? Someone is going to be real embarrassed about this piece if they ever manage to exorcise the propaganda from their brain. Of course, there’s no telling who that is since TMW allowed this catastrophe to be published anonymously. I personally think that people DO have a right to label Israel a settler-colonial state even though ‘all it did’ was violently displace the nation that was there first. That seems pretty reasonable to me. And pretty unrelated to acts of antisemitism in Minnesota. In fact, not very much of this piece seems to be concerned with acts of antisemitism at all—just with pro-Palestine rhetoric that feels upsetting to the writers. Not the same thing, guys. Jeez.

    • E

      EricaDec 1, 2023 at 5:17 pm

      The misinformation is that Jews displaced Palestinians. Jews didn’t just start living in that region after WWII. They have been there for thousands of years. Jesus was Jewish and he lived in Bethlehem, so…

    • G

      GGDec 8, 2023 at 12:16 am

      the Jewish people were always there and they are hardly an imperial state

  • H

    Hannah CatlinDec 1, 2023 at 2:50 pm

    This is heinous, offensive, dangerous, irresponsible. Literally full of falsehoods, vile Islamophobic rhetoric, and state propaganda. This is especially disappointing and upsetting considering that antisemitism IS an actual scary problem at Macalester recently and historically. Obfuscating that by conflating antisemitism with antizionism is actively dangerous.

    Also: Y’all don’t have to publish every opinion article you receive. It’s your responsibility as journalists to convey the truth, not to platform misinformation in the interest of representing “both sides”. It is my sincere hope that you fact check this article and learn from this mistake as journalists. This never should have been published ESPECIALLY anonymously.

  • R

    Rachel PDec 1, 2023 at 2:29 pm

    Thank you for publishing this piece to counter all of the misinformation and screeds you’ve been publishing. It’s very disappointing that the Mac administration has allowed an environment to flourish on campus in which some students feel marginalized and afraid to share their opinions and identities.

    I predict that in the coming years Jewish students will start to avoid small liberal arts colleges like Mac in favor of universities that provide more support and foster more respectful dialogue between different identity groups.

    I stand with the students who wrote this letter and I understand why they chose to remain anonymous.

  • N

    Nicholas SalvatoDec 1, 2023 at 1:50 pm

    Can the polisci/international studies major that wrote this please focus on their internship applications instead of writing op-eds, I hear the CIA is closing their portal soon

  • A

    AnonymousDec 1, 2023 at 12:38 pm

    Interesting! I thought education is the pursuit of truth, and you writing such stuff is bewildering to me. No one is complicit about the terror committed by Hamas, but you entirely making ahistoric argument about the systemic oppression of the Palestinian people, is beyond shocking.

  • J

    Jonah WexlerDec 1, 2023 at 12:32 pm

    As a Jewish alumnus and someone who adamantly supported the contents of what is now Resolution 13 when I was a student at Mac, I have to push back on the notion that Jews at Mac and colleges elsewhere are unsafe *particularly from the direction you seem to think we are*. I faced more antisemitic comments and insinuations from anonymous Christian and secular students, as well as (Zionist) Jews, than from antizionists of any background. Resolution 13 is responding to the moment succinctly and effectively, it is supported by current as well as former Jewish students and organizers, it is in no way antisemitic. Performatively perverting the politics of safety doesn’t help anyone here. It doesn’t help stateside Palestinian organizers or their antizionists allies who are often put on lists just for speaking up and out and it doesn’t help Jews either when material incidences of antisemitism occur. Macalester was particularly afraid to confront Zionism during my time there, it was before as well. I hope it is ready now and I hope the Mac for Palestine coalition, through this resolution and other means, is able to transform how Macalester interacts with the occupation, academically and materially. Perverting the idea of Jewish safety should not get in the way of justice for Palestine.

  • E

    EricaDec 1, 2023 at 12:25 pm

    Thank you for sharing another side to the ongoing conflict in Israel. What many responding to this article are missing is that regardless of whether you support Israel’s right to defend itself or not, antisemitism on campus is not ok. Jewish students at Macalester should not have to walk around campus hiding their Judaism. They have nothing to do with the conflict, and as such, should not be targeted or harassed or have to endure fellow students posting swastikas on their social media (yes, that happened) or calling for Israel to be wiped from the map during protests (which is exactly what “from the river to the sea” means.) Other minority groups have asked for the world to believe their lived experiences. Jewish people deserve the same respect.

  • Z

    Zeineb AbduDec 1, 2023 at 11:11 am

    I am disappointed in this opinion piece, especially in its misuse of a Hadith (a saying of the Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him) that Hamas has quoted in their founding covenant. For you to cherry-pick this quote from their whole covenant reveals your lack of critical thinking and your inability to see the nuances of the conflict and its origins.

    Your narrow reading of the Hamas covenant is further revealed when you wrote, “This is a radical and destructive reconstruction of Muslim theology…”. From my understanding, you are not Muslim and do not have a foundation to interpret this Hadith. Labeling it destructive without possessing the knowledge or the background of Islam makes your statement inherently Islamaphobic. You used the words of the Prophet in your opinion piece to further your very invalid argument further perpetuating the ignorance about Islam.

    For you to write an opinion piece about antisemitism while being Islamaphobic is appalling.

    We can play the who’s being Islamaphobic, who’s being antisemitic oppression Olympics all day or we can focus on the issue truly at hand: Israel is murdering Palestinians and we need a permanent ceasefire immediately.

  • M

    Marley PrichardNov 30, 2023 at 10:17 pm

    I think it is really irresponsible to allow opinion pieces with blatantly false information, and no cited sources for that matter.

    It has been proven by multiple international law bodies that Israel’s actions in Gaza cannot be considered self defense. This is just the tip of the iceberg of the insanity of this article.

    Mac weekly do better.

    • T

      The Mac WeeklyDec 1, 2023 at 12:00 am

      Hi, thank you for your comment.
      We sincerely apologize for the lack of links/sources in the article when it first went up online, there is a slight delay between when articles are uploaded Thursday night and the official release of our newsletter on Fridays, and during our editing process, things get moved around quite a lot. Unfortunately we initially used the version of the article that did not have the links to upload to the website. The piece has since been updated with the proper hyperlinks.

  • G

    Gabe KarshNov 30, 2023 at 9:37 pm

    To the authors of this article: thank you for your courage in sharing your thoughts at a college that is not always the most tolerant of differing perspectives. Despite my vehement disagreement with much of what you have written, I am sorry that you felt it necessary to publish anonymously, a decision I can understand given the climate on campus.

    I want to respond just to one thing that you all wrote: “To claim ‘apartheid’ and ‘genocide’ in Israel and the Gaza Strip is a misuse of those words which is offensive to those who have actually suffered their harsh realities.”

    In 2008, a delegation of former ANC members went to Israel and the West Bank to see the occupation for themselves. With particular concern for the movement restrictions facing Palestinians, many members of the group likened the situation to exactly the apartheid regime they had lived through. Several prominent anti-apartheid activists, most notably Desmond Tutu, have also called Israel an apartheid state. Israeli prime ministers David Ben Gurion, Yitzhak Rabin, and Ehud Barak have all also used the word ‘apartheid’ in warning of what might become of Israel if it occupied the West Bank indefinitely.

    I think the word ‘genocide’ is a more complicated case given our people’s intimate connection to that experience. However, the hundreds if not thousands of descendants of Holocaust survivors who have publicly used the word ‘genocide’ would beg to differ with your characterization of what has been happening in Gaza for the last two months, and in Israel/Palestine for the past 30 years.

    – Gabe

  • Y

    Yosef BenayounNov 30, 2023 at 9:06 pm

    stop yapping

  • A

    AshaNov 30, 2023 at 8:45 pm

    Nothing validates the violent oppression of any people.

    The selective omission of facts in this piece reveals the overt bias of these writers. Students at Mac have gone above and beyond to make it clear that their beliefs are not anti-Jewish, and that this is an issue of human rights violations done by an oppressive state. The solution is not faulting those willing to acknowledge Israel’s war crimes as unjust, it is to acknowledge that the oppressive practices of the state have caused harm to all, specifically Palestinians. This article is ignorant and unproductive.

  • I

    IshwaqNov 30, 2023 at 8:45 pm

    This is an incredibly misinformed piece with blatant distortion of facts. Israels numerous violations of humans rights, which fully justifies them being called an apartheid settler colonial state, has been documented and proven way before October 7th. Please go educate yourself. Emphasis on OPINION y’all! This was a very disappointing read. Also, if your justification for the anti-semitism of the petition to end the study abroad programs in Israel is that there are 14 other countries just as bad at violating human rights, that should tell you something!

  • A

    anonymous comment on anonymous articleNov 30, 2023 at 7:45 pm

    Bad take 😐
