Letter to the editors

August 3, 2020
In recent weeks I discussed with you a published article highly critical of Macalester in “Thinking Minnesota,” a Minneapolis-based organization called Center of the American Experiment. The organization has a daily blog on national and especially Minnesota issues, and the magazine has 94,000 subscribers nationwide.
The in-depth article documented how Macalester has become close-minded and intellectually dishonest in its one-sided pursuit of left-wing and “social justice” objectives. The noted author, Katherine Kersten documented her claim by examining Macalester’s faculty bios, course contents, syllabi, campus speakers, student organizations and past articles in The Mac Weekly.
When we talked by phone and through emails, I encouraged you to mention this article to your readers since that would stimulate the healthy debate that is the hallmark of intellectual diversity and openness to new ideas. You seemed agreeable to considering mention of the article during our phone conversation, but in a subsequent email announced you would not alert your readers to it. In doing so, The Mac Weekly is proving the thesis of the article. Additional proof is that you will not print this Letter to The Editor in The Mac Weekly.
Bob Spaulding ’64
Mac student • Aug 10, 2020 at 9:20 am
Roger Peterson, Who are the ones not being open-minded when you proudly state you know people who would not hire a Mac graduate simply because they graduated from this school. Sounds like you’re making blanket statements about a large and diverse group of people … which you and Bob Spaulding accuse Macalester students themselves of doing. You just proudly admitted that people you know discriminate against people simply because of where they went to school. This tirade against Macalester students from this group of boomer alumni is frankly weird and disgusting. You guys need to calm down.
Roger S. Peterson, class of 1967 • Aug 7, 2020 at 9:57 am
Imagine yourself in some organization and an additional staff person needs to be hired. The position requires critical thinking, problem solving, listening to viewpoints, and the ability to dig deep into a problem to help sustain the organization in its function.
You invite someone, about 21 years old, for an interview. As part of the interview, you compose a problem situation and ask the person to analyze it. The candidate seems tied to only one approach, interrupts you constantly, and does not seem to have the critical thinking skills you would expect of a recent college graduate. So you don’t hire that candidate.
That is what graduates of Macalester are facing. The word is out that Mac does not educate for critical thinking, open mindedness, or objective analysis. And no one wants a pain in the ass as an employee. I know alumni who have stop contributing to Mac. I know alumni who would never hire a Mac graduate. And I know of no alumni who care what your preferred pronouns are.
Pob Sbaulding • Aug 6, 2020 at 11:38 am
Nothing of value in this letter to the editor. Such a tired complaint. Sad that the editors felt obligated to waste people’s time with this disingenuous “argument”
robert Spaulding • Aug 6, 2020 at 8:45 am
Thank you for running my Letter to the Editor and proving my last sentence to be wrong.
For readers who would like to see the complete article, the link is: americanexperiment.org/2020/07how-macalester-college-indoctrinates-its-students-into-a-militant-new-secular-faith/
Nicholas Velikonja • Aug 4, 2020 at 2:03 pm