Dear reader, have you ever dreamt of Olympic glory? After extensive research, I have compiled a list of the easiest Olympic sports ordered from easy to extremely easy. Capitalize on this opportunity to be a national hero before the International Olympic Committee wakes up and realizes these sports still exist! There’s something for everyone. No skill, strength, or athleticism required!
10. Hockey
Hockey is nothing but an easier, simpler, colder version of soccer. The games are shorter, the field/rink is smaller, and rather than running, players just glide across the ice on their skates. In soccer, players play for most of the match, but hockey players play for just one to two minutes at a time, before they come off the ice needing a break.
The NHL’s average shot-goal ratio is usually around 9 percent, which means shoot away, but expect to miss. Then hope for a lucky deflection that slides the puck past the goaltender, whose size is just about doubled thanks to his or her ridiculously large pads. Where hockey does differ from soccer, and just about every other sport, is that each game has three periods. Those pesky Canadians just had to have THREE periods, not the standard two halves or four quarters. Given hockey’s unwillingness to conform, perhaps it may be a wise choice for the hipsters among us.
9. Snowboarding
Not really sure how this sport works, but if it’s anything like waterboarding, the US should dominate.
8. Soccer
What’s that? You feel a slight breeze running through your hair? Time to fall over! In soccer, you are rewarded for losing your balance with free kicks and penalties. Those involved in theatre will fall in love with what the misguided refer to as the “beautiful game.” The more dramatic the flops, the better! Soccer is the perfect sport for actors and actresses who are looking for something a bit more competitive. The “world’s game” does not come without its flaws, unfortunately.
Like some of the other sports on this list, soccer is just plain boring. Who wants to sit through a 90 minute game to see just two or three goals scored, or even worse, the match declared a tie? If that isn’t bad enough, just when you think its over, they add a seemingly random amount of time to the clock, which counts up instead of down for some reason. Still, if you have patience, you and your compatriots could be crowned Olympic champions.
Bonus: If the drama and panache of soccer is your thing, you can be a multi-sport medalist! The IOC has been kind enough to include two near carbon copies of soccer: platform and springboard diving. At the 2012 London Olympics, the gold medalists in men’s and women’s soccer (USA and Mexico) also earned seven diving medals (USA: four; Mexico: three). Coincidence? I think not.
7. Rowing
Are you lazy? Looking for a chance to call yourself an athlete? Come out for crew! There aren’t many sports in which you can sit down while playing. To name a couple: cycling and rodeo (until you fall off). I wouldn’t exactly consider those strenuous. Nonetheless, rowing isn’t for the faint of heart. The water is often at a mildly unpleasant temperature and occasional splashing may keep all but the most dedicated away from the sport. If you are not afraid of a little water, you should have no problem coming away with a medal in 2016.
6. Equestrian
If the sitting down element of rowing appeals to you, equestrian offers this and much more! In addition to sitting, you get an animal to play the sport for you!
5. Table Tennis

Enjoy tennis? Too much work to run around? This is the sport for you. With a table just five feet wide, seldom is it necessary to lift your feet off the ground. Guitar Hero players will find themselves right at home as reflexes are the only tangible skill required. Table tennis does require a strong cardiovascular system, however, as players are required to stand for the entirety of a match. It will be the survival of the fittest at the Rio De Janeiro games in 2016, where the finalists will have to grind through as many as six matches in only six days.
4. Ski Jumping
Ski jumping is essentially the Winter Olympics equivalent of the high jump, without the difficult jumping part. Instead, a hill builds your speed up to 80 miles per hour, and then shoots you off to float in the air for a few seconds as you travel over 200 feet. Then the chairlift brings you back to the top and you let the hill do all the work again!
3. Indoor Volleyball
Struggle with responsibility? Like blaming others? In volleyball, you have five other teammates in the small 12-meter x 9-meter area to share the blame for your mistakes. Few team sports have this many players per square meter, so you can forget about accountability.
If hitting the ball over the net is too difficult, do not fret. All you need to do is make contact and your teammates can take care of the rest. It’s almost as if volleyball acknowledges its inferiority by allowing players three tries to hit it onto the other side of the court, whereas virtually all other net sports (tennis, table tennis, and badminton) allow just one chance.
2. Distance Running
Just about every sport involves running. Can you put one foot in front of the other? Congrats! You’ve made the cross country team! There is virtually no skill involved in this “sport.” While running may be a great way to get in shape and evade the cops, how do runners get enjoyment out of running around in circles at moderately fast speeds? Nevertheless, this is a very real Olympic sport, with 24 men’s, and 23 women’s events to take your pick from in all of track and field.
Consider this: Kenya’s Wilson Kipsang recently set the world record in the marathon, running 26.2 miles at an average pace of 4:42 per mile. Impressive, until you realize that over 500 high school freshman ran faster miles than that in the last year alone.

Bonus: There is an event called the “race walk.” That’s right, you can win an Olympic medal for walking. Be careful though. If the judges deem that your toe leaves the ground before the opposite heel lands, you will receive a red card. Three red cards and you’re out! Considering the average time for the 50km race walk at the 2012 Olympics was just under four hours, I’m not sure an early disqualification is really the worst thing that could happen.
1. Alpine Skiing
Enjoy traveling at fast speeds but don’t want to work to attain them? Strap on some skis and find your nearest hill! If alpine doesn’t become discontinued from the Olympics like tug of war and croquet, there’s no reason the sport can’t give you a lifetime of gold. I have no qualms with downhill skiing. It looks quite fun to slide down the slopes at speeds approaching 100 miles per hour. You know what else is fast and fun? Rollercoaster rides. But we don’t go around pretending that they are a sport. So grab your gear and head to Sochi this winter, where you can attain fame, and a G-Force up to four times your body weight as you fly down the Caucasus Mountains.
Curling earns an honorable mention due to a severe lack of competitors. Minnesota is just about the only place in the U.S where you can find serious curling, and the estimated number of non-Canadian curling players is smaller than the population of Anchorage, Alaska. Despite small numbers, it would be an insult to put curling in the top 10 given the combination of speed, strength, endurance, and skill needed to be a successful curler.
Dishonorable Mention: Football
Football is so awful it can’t even get into the Olympics. Yikes!
I am not giving my name • Feb 19, 2025 at 7:04 am
To Be honest… whoever wrote this article is just trying to make drama. Calling football “Awful” and not realizing that it has 3.5 Billions fans. Like You Are literally a 8 year old writing this… Who do you think you are?
I don’t think anyone respects this article If I wrote this absolute EMBASSASMENT of a article I would take it down but this guy has no shame whatsoever.
Honestly this is the best example of
Couch potato.
Scarlett • Feb 7, 2025 at 7:36 pm
This is just completely offensive to Equestrians. The horse does the sport for you?! One of the most stupid things i have ever heard. The amount of strength and skill and bond and trust and mental strength and lots more, to do equestrianism properly, is huge. The person who wrote this has obviously never done ANY sports ever, and I know I am not the only person who thinks this.
Rosie • Aug 6, 2024 at 1:24 pm
The person who wrote this article definitely does ZERO physical activities whatsoever, and clearly plays video games 24/7. I play soccer and not only is it physically and mentally demanding, but so are the other sports. Soccer is my main sport and I’m speaking for all athletes when I say your opinion is discarded. Each sport has its own difficulties, no matter how easy it may seem. This article has got to be disrespectful, damn.
To all the sports listed here, I have nothing but respect for y’all, keep doing what you’re doing!
Faith • Aug 4, 2024 at 5:32 pm
Alpine skiing???? Do you know the amount of strength and skill it takes to do that sport? As a racer myself it is a difficult sport! What was written is not one bit true about the sport. Whoever wrote this is clearly not an active person and probably sits on their couch all day.
The distance runner • Jul 29, 2024 at 1:00 pm
Why isn’t sprinting so “easy” like distance? It’s a shame distance running is ALWAYS put down. Especially as a distance runner myself, it feels like very very little people get how difficult it is. Also when you attempted to put down the girl who ran the marathon I think you did an absolutely piss poor job at it. Can high school freshmen run faster than 4:22? Sure with a lot of talent. Can a high school freshmen MAINTAIN that for 26.2 miles? Absolutely not. Most people can’t even do that. Anyways is your going to make fun of running in general you could at least include sprinting as well 💋
Person • Jul 24, 2024 at 9:27 pm
Whoever wrote this has clearly never left their couch. If they had, they would know that every sport listed is extremely difficult and requires immense skill and training. I guess the best sailors never leave the shore
Tatiana • Nov 6, 2023 at 12:40 am
Bro really said soccer and equestrian is easy. You clearly haven’t done anything both soccer and equestrian related. I can mainly speak for equestrianism though since Thats the sport I do and I can tell you it’s NOT easy. The amount of strength you need to develop in your thighs is insane, plus the stamina, ability to make quick time decisions, upper and lower body strength, on TOP of the fact that this sport is dangerous asf. It’s more dangerous than Skiing and motorcycling so if that doesn’t say everything you need to know then I don’t know what is. It’s always the people who have never done anything than a trail ride at some sketchy/unprofessional backyard barn that like to sit there and say it’s easy. Also I apologize for any bad grammar, it’s 1:39 as I write this and I’m two seconds away from passing out lmfao
Sofia • Jun 12, 2023 at 4:11 pm
Try getting on a horse before claiming you get to sit down and the animal does all the job. You can just buy whatever shoes, clubs, rackets or whatever equipment you need, try finding a sometimes million dollar horse that’s got the capacity, works well with you and making a long time plan to balance training, competing and resting. I’m so fucking tired of this shit.
Person • May 18, 2023 at 7:05 pm
Think soccers easy! You have to do a ridiculous amount of running oh! And you have to keep the ball close to you and control it
deez • May 7, 2023 at 2:30 pm
Bruh! I play soccer and I get shoved ten times per game and the refs say play on! Our coach makes us run so much! You think that easy? Try getting up to get your twinkle, that probably your dally exercise. Also you have to be super physical to get the ball!
a HOCKEY player • May 14, 2022 at 3:22 pm
Clearly, you have never played hockey it is one of the most physically demanding sports in the world and the reason that they only have two minutes “breaks” (they’re actually called shifts) is because they skate their hardest for that 2 minutes. And skating in itself requires balance and speed. Also, it’s not just luck that gets a shot it also includes skill, and if you’re saying a goalie’s job is easy you’re even dumber the shot ranges from 80-90 miles an hour in the NHL. So my proposal is shut up try playing these sports and don’t be stupid.
Disgruntled Athlete • Mar 31, 2022 at 12:27 pm
This is the dumbest thing! “Hockey is like an easier version of soccer”? “Over 500 high schoolers run faster than 4:42 minutes to the MILE”? WTF is this person? Have you been living under a rock your whole life? These are not easy sports, and how do you not even know what snowboarding is? Please educate yourself and quit posting such BS online.
Disgruntled Athlete • Mar 31, 2022 at 12:29 pm
P.S How are you going to acknowledge the spped, strength, and endurance needed in curling but not these other sports? So stupid. I can’t even-
Kelly Conway • Jul 20, 2024 at 5:17 pm
This is perhaps the most ignorant and foolish piece of garbage I have yet to read. You obviously know NOTHING about equestrian sports or the extreme difficulty that goes into decades of preparation and skill in competing in the sport. Do your research first before you set out to write such BS.
Soccer boi • Feb 24, 2022 at 9:13 pm
This dude pisses me off so much, how is soccer easy. 230 Yard fields, that you have to run around in for 90+ (extra time if given) Minutes while tryna control a ball and trying to also get past 3 or 4 defenders possibly by yourself. Imagine trying to 1 v 4 in a fight, your getting your assed whooped, and have u seen our injuries search up David Busst Injury. Ur so called “Football”(Couldn’t yall have gotten a name that makes sense or just make up your own) isn’t as hard as most people say it is, It is hard but honestly in my opinion, all your doing as throwing and catching a ball then tryna get to one side of the field while people are trying to slam you.
Yuval • Feb 13, 2022 at 11:37 pm
Riding horses is the hardest sport, learning the language of an animal that is 10 times larger than you, having the muscles to stay on (oh trust me you need muscles), being able to know when the animal is not in the mood (its allowed not to be) and even before even mounting the horse, Training the horse right, taking care of the tons of tack, cleaning the horses and the stable, if people think horse riding isn’t a sport it just means they’ve never ridden, its the hardest and most dangerous sport out there. If the horse just sees a paper bag it can spook and make you fall, and if a horse doesn’t want you on it you just wont be on it. So yeah, if you don’t know something better not commenting on it
[email protected] • Jun 5, 2023 at 9:31 am
Yesss thank you for saying this I totally agree
luke • Feb 12, 2022 at 2:36 pm
im not even an athlete but… seriously? have you never been physically active in your entire life?
Lilah • Feb 11, 2022 at 8:40 am
bro who tf made this like clearly you’re a 7 year old bc equestrian is so hard the horse only jumps the jumps we have to ride it through the whole course and know when to slow down and calculate the distances and clear 6ft fences and we don’t just sit there like we have to know when to pull and make them slow down and they fight bc they wanna run and we also have to know when to leg and go fast it’s so hard clearly you’ve never ridden a horse BITCH 💀🖕
Horse rider • Feb 10, 2022 at 2:00 pm
Ok lemme educate u bc u were clearly dropped on ur head as a child.
Us equestrians ride all year in rain, sun or snow. Weather changes can make a horse moody or angry and if u have a horse like mine then ur horse is already moody. Have u ever convinced a 600kg animal to jump over a 3ft obstacle? No, didn’t think so. And have u ever had the courage and ridden an animal with a mind of its own? Have u ever had a partner that didn’t speak ur language? Have u ever been bucked off? Kicked? Bitten? Didn’t think so. Us equestrians are hella brave and strong to get up and do what we do.
Horseback rider • Feb 10, 2022 at 1:55 pm
Bro u think equestrian is easy?! Since u were clearly dropped on ur head as a child, let me educate u.
Us equestrians ride all year round in s
Brendan • Feb 6, 2022 at 1:17 pm
Relax guys, the person who wrote this is out of shape and has the delusion to think he/she could even attempt any of these sports. Maybe table tennis but that’s about it
Jacqueline McCormick • Dec 26, 2021 at 8:16 pm
Oh you think riding isn’t a sport? Well let me tell you something, working around the barn and doing barn chores and riding definitely replace a gym for me. Lifting weights? Easy, why need dumbbells when I lift 50-pound bags of feed, haul and dump big wheel barrows of manure and carry water buckets? That’s just doing chores. I don’t build muscle while riding? Tell that to my thighs! You try going a countless numbers of laps in 2-point! It’s tough work. And contrary to popular belief, the horse isn’t the only one working up a sweat. You actually can burn calories while riding, and I definitely burn calories doing chores! Working with horses gets your blood and heart pumping because you do a huge ton of walking, and sometimes sprinting if a horse is loose or won’t let you halter it! It’s very much a team sport because you and your horse become one being and you work together. All sports come with risks, but no other sport requires you working with a 1,000 pound animal that could kill you in one second. Other sports, if you fall, you only fall about 2 feet or so. Horseback riding? You fall about 5 feet or more and you also have the risk of being drug if your feet get caught in the stirrups. When we get in the arena, we don’t get time-outs or the ability to have substitutions. It’s one shot and it’s make or break. And you say horses can’t make you money? Horse racing totally can, and not just racing. Other shows can run into the hundreds of thousands of dollars or more for the first place winner. And if horse back riding wasn’t a sport, why would it be in the Olympics? Only real sports are in the Olympics, including riding.” I might say more, but after I rambled all that on, the person starts to believe me. Horseback riding is a real sport and I think it’s the best sport out there.
from practical horseman
Blake • Dec 18, 2021 at 7:50 pm
Whoever wrote this probably plays esports and shatters the scale. POV: “Omg guys thanks for watching my fortnite stream. I’m sweating because I’ve had to press WASD so many times on my PC and I don’t have the strength to get up and grab my Twinkie”
I agree w the soccer stuff but I play hockey it takes people years to learn how to skate
Soccer Player • Sep 23, 2021 at 5:59 pm
I totally agree. Whoever wrote this was sadly uneducated.
adrian • Nov 15, 2021 at 2:29 am
HAHa so true! Soccer is definitely one of the hardest sports, and few become players for just a few years
Michael Allen mierva • Feb 21, 2022 at 11:48 am
What an idiot a soccer player is no match to an NHL or any Olympic hockey player as far as playing stamina, besides who wants to watch a game that might see a 3 point score or less and sometimes ends in a tie with no winner DUH! I’d like to see one of those soccer players throw some blades and pads on and get checked for 3 periods or 10 minutes as far as that goes!
12 year old • Jul 15, 2021 at 12:51 pm
As a 12 year old girl that has trained 1/8th of my life I know how hard soccer is, sometimes my foot hurts after practice and I don’t like it. Case closed. (Mic drop)
softball/baseball (softball girl) • Feb 18, 2021 at 10:04 am
although some of these sports are NOT the easiest in the world, I’m just confused why you didn’t put baseball or softball, if you are going to put soccer, volleyball, and equestrian?? horseback riding is VERY dangerous, people fall, break something, my friend Brooke broke her nose playing softball. Volleyball, can be related to softball/baseball in two one events, such as line drives, sacrificing their body just to support/catch a ball? Soccer, also including line drives, is not the easiest sport, it includes A LOT of agility, running, coordination, etc, also, it tires you out a lot, and its a workout, because my friend Hannah got skinny in less than a year from playing Soccer, and my dad recommends it that i play soccer during the in-between seasons of softball, so that I can get fit, run faster, and– you get it. I am not saying only those 3 that i stated are dangerous, but i took the most said and most confusing ones into consideration.
Bendover • Feb 14, 2021 at 1:20 pm
Cheerleading ahould certainly be here… WOOPS, i forgot that cheerleading isnt a sport. MY BAD
Ben Dover • Feb 14, 2021 at 1:14 pm
ABSOLUTE FUCKING BULLSHIT😂. If u wanna go to the olympics for rowing you have to train 3 times a day for years and yet sometimes you still won’t make it to the finals. As a rower, you put yourself through painful workouts and, not to mention, a 2Km race as hard a s you can in a rowing boat in 35 celcius is one of the hardest physical tests for a human body. This person clearly had nothing better to do with his time. Soccer, hockey and distance running shouldn’t be on this list either!
Person Personel • Feb 4, 2021 at 2:31 pm
Everyone’s getting mad in the comments but I think this article was meant to be a joke.
Disgruntled Athlete • Mar 31, 2022 at 12:30 pm
I don’t think so, but maybe?
GenericGuy • Jan 14, 2021 at 9:00 am
just because the real football that you people call soccer isnt a violent deathmatch for brutes that depend on how hard you can grab someones legs and piling one on top f the other in large sweaty orgys while calling your team some animal or another, doesnt mean you can put down a sport thats adored around the world.
in fact, i believe that this comes from the ultimate jealousy that originates from the fact that a 13 yo could beat USAs soccer team
genericGuy • Jan 14, 2021 at 8:56 am
and can i say that soccer is much harder than it looks, and frankly, from the comments ive been reading, you wouldnt be able to play your way out of the mcdonalds box you re probably eating burgers from
Play some sports, and then, please, stop trying to bash difficult sports down
genericGuy • Jan 14, 2021 at 8:53 am
Just because the real football that you people call soccer isn’t a violent deathmatch for brutes that depend on how hard you can grab someone’s legs and piling one on top f the other in large sweaty orgys while calling your team some animal or another, doesn’t mean you can put down a sport that’s adored around the world.
in fact, i believe that this comes from the ultimate jealousy that originates from the fact that a 13 yo could beat USAs soccer team
but i digress.
(I have nothing against the US )
Florance • Jan 11, 2021 at 2:32 am
Have you bloody lost you mind 🤣 All of these sports are incredibly difficult and take a lot of strength and skill. Equestrians have a lot courage to get on a animal with a mind of its own that could kill them with there own body. Rowing takes a incredible amount of strength so do all the others. Your clearly a uneggecated retard your probably just a really lazy and does nothing, who knows nothing and just waits there time making up a load of rubish.
Tiece Gram • Jan 7, 2021 at 10:44 am
It’s like that saying “It looks easy but it is actually hard”. But fr I don’t think the author of this article has ever played any of these sports or any sport at all.
Vladimír Sagula • Jan 5, 2021 at 7:56 am
I laughed. Beautifully written article. Cheers!
Jacob Zier • Jan 2, 2021 at 4:23 pm
I hope this is joke, hockey is the hardest sport, maybe second behind boxing, you have knives on your feet going 30 mph, and a 6’3” 200 pound Canadian comes and absolutely rocks you. I would say some sports are easier, but every sport can be difficult in its own way, but if their isn’t an opponent that is challenging you, it’s definitely not as hard
Abigail • Nov 10, 2021 at 2:28 pm
In equestrian sports you are on a thousand pound animal that has a mind of its own.
Shelby • Dec 25, 2020 at 7:30 am
How is hockey easy!!!! I play hockey and I know it is one of the hardest Sports out there!!! I love hockey and you are saying that we just glide! Also how do ppl not like hockey
Luke • Dec 21, 2020 at 6:30 am
first of all none of these sports are easy, they take a lot of skill and strength, someone probably wrote this after drinking too much in a party.
Jonathan Tovar • Dec 14, 2020 at 9:08 pm
I saw soccer I’m just laughing. Really I would like you to play soccer one day just because some flop u are saying that it’s easy like damn u have joke my guy
Macy • Dec 13, 2020 at 2:08 pm
Okay this person has to be a 16yro overweight person who plays pc who has never played a sport in there life volleyball is one of a very hard sport along with soccer it takes incredible strength and agailty volleyball takes team cooperation and a lot of talkingAnd communicating to each other
Shaun • Dec 12, 2020 at 3:46 pm
This is so dumb. Imagine putting knives on your feet stepping on ice and try to send the saucer/puck into the net. Also slamming people into the boards and legally punching people. BTW I luv hockey.
Bruh • Dec 9, 2020 at 12:23 pm
Hockey and soccer are way harder than you think. Just check this website:
Let us see your mind blow up
Emma Gensel • Dec 2, 2020 at 9:07 pm
Ovbviesly you don’t know anything about these sports you just put false information. You also offended anyone who reads this article because none of this stuff is easy AT ALL!! This makes me so mad because I have been riding a horse and jumping 3 ft for 8 years and you don’t just sit there.. do you want to try going up to a 3 ft jump and just sitting there you could die and it is one of the hardest sports in the world.. you have to control a a 2,000 pound animal with your body and they could kill you in one minute. Next time think about what you say and actually do some research before you take a wild guess PLEASE!
Abby • Nov 10, 2021 at 2:32 pm
I agree I have been riding for 6 years and I jump 2.7
Brock • Dec 1, 2020 at 4:54 am
This article is bullshit soccer is one of the hardest sports in the world you idiot this article makes no sense I start laughing when I read it no sport is easy every athlete has to work for what they’ve got nothing is a given.
Emma Cacc • Nov 26, 2020 at 8:51 pm
To me this article is offensive. I do gymnastics, but even I can still imagine all the hard work, strength, endurance, and pain of these VERY DIFFICULT sports. like did you even take a look at that picture of those runners you attached?!?!? Do you see their muscle and sweat?!? they all had to train for HOURS EVERY DAY OF EVERY WEEK to prepare for the OLYMPICS. Yes, long-distance running is in the OLYMPICS because it is a VERY HARD SPORT. Clearly, whoever wrote this has not tried any of these sports and has ZERO sense of respect. Also, do you think that flying through the air at extreme speeds and heights while freezing air is numbing your face is EASY?!?!? That, if you didn’t already know, could actually be LIFE-THREATENING. What do you think you’re calling easy now huh?
Alessandro • Nov 20, 2020 at 10:37 am
I know I keep commenting in this article but it PISSES me off watching how sarcastic you’re and how smart you think you are. You’re most likely a 300 lb. man who is jealous of successful athletes that win 1000x more money that you will ever win in your miserable life. At least have some respect and think twice when wasting your time and writing this article.
Alessandro • Nov 19, 2020 at 2:40 pm
It seems to me as if you haven’t played ANY of these sports. For example soccer, hockey, snowboarding, and other sports you named aren’t easy at all. You’re just assuming it’s easy by the way they play, so the next time try actually play the sport or do research.
Alessandro • Nov 19, 2020 at 2:36 pm
This guy is clearly getting harassed in the comments.
Alessandro • Nov 19, 2020 at 2:31 pm
It seem to me as if you seriously haven’y played ANY of these sports because hockey, soccer and other sports you mentioned aren’t easy at all. You just assume they’re easy by the way they play. S next time try to do a little research or actually play the game.
Guest • Nov 19, 2020 at 1:14 pm
Are you serious. If you play hockey just like many sports, its a non stop grind. People actually quit because it gets hard. People from the NHL literally have been playing since like 5 years old. Not only is Hockey a mental battle but its a grind. If you want to be the best you have to practice like the best. You cant stop playing. Tell me have you even blocked a 60 plus mph shot to any part of your body, or got a concussion. I’ll tell you what, it sucks. Have you ever even gotten check by someone twice your height and weight. I don’t think so. It takes more time than you think to learn just how to skate. And to learn the game is a whole different story. Educate yourself on what your talking about.
jack • Nov 19, 2020 at 1:11 pm
Jake • Nov 12, 2020 at 8:37 am
I was like NO!!!! Hockey is so hard! If you don like getting hit and you can´t skate then your gonna die! try playing hocky yourself before you say its ¨easy¨ to play.
Johnathan Reeves • Nov 11, 2020 at 1:20 pm
This article had me laughing a lot. The 2nd best part is that they probably are 40 y/o and obese(Average american). The best part is how triggered people get by this. We all know he is wrong, just have a good laugh at it lol
Jamal • Oct 31, 2020 at 7:41 pm
lol hockey is easy? go play stick and puck against actual hockey players, then tell me it’s easy
Hdkdbdjs • Oct 28, 2020 at 10:38 pm
Ok so I am a 13 year old girl and I have played hockey almost half of my life. This makes me absolutely PISSED that someone would say hockey is easy. It is not gliding and sliding. It is pushing your legs as hard as you can until it hurts and sweating your ASS off. Hell, you can’t even probably tie your own skates if they were figure skates. You have to prefect your:
•Pain tolerance
•Leg strength
•Arm strength
•Keeping your head up and not looking at the puck when you’re stick handling
•Wrist movement
•Skating backwards
•Looking behind you if you are skating backwards
•Bending your knees so low that you are almost squatting
So no…I don’t think hockey is easy at all. When I started skating, I couldn’t even walk off the ice in skates and it has takin be 7 FUCKING YEARS to get as good as I am now and I am still working on a shit ton of things. Also, have you ever been stabbed by the tip of a stick blade? Yea that’s something that happens to almost every player. Here is a list of struggles that we go through as hockey players:
•Lace cuts (from your skates being to tight)
•Falling backwards and hitting your head on the ice
•Putting 5 pounds of gear on you and skating faster than your body can take
•Carrying your 10-15 pound gear bag on your shoulders for the long walk from your car to the locker room
•Getting blamed for something a player on the other team did and getting a penalty for it
•Hard shot to the only place you don’t have padding
And also, some people have shot so hard, if the puck hits you in the head, you could get a concussion or even killed. You are in a constant battle with the other team to score in their net with a while a whole ass person in the way with a whole ass stick that can hurt you if you get hit and a whole ass team of 150 pound players coming at you. Hockey is a very physical, unpredictable, and very dangerous sport. So if I were you, I would think again about saying that hockey is easy, because it’s not easy. Not one bit. Shut your damn mouth and before you actually say that a sport is easy, use your brain, man up, and try it for yourself. You have probably never even watched a single game in your life so you can stfu and stop saying that life is easy because it’s not. If life isn’t easy, nothing in life ever will be. If you got to the bottom of this comment and you have successfully dealt with my rant about this post, congratulations you deserve a cookie hooray hooray
Kinley • Oct 16, 2020 at 5:35 pm
Wow don’t talk to me about these “unskilled sports ” To me it seems like you should at least learn the definition of skill before you go off and blab your mouth. Cleary you’ve never played any of these sports. You have know clue how hard running and volleyball are. Honey why don’t you get your butt up and go play a sport instead of telling me how unskilled they are while sitting on your couch. Hey why don’t you try volleyball? Come back to me and tell me how it worked for ya. Bye! Xoxo
Anonymous • Feb 14, 2020 at 2:55 am
i just want to say next time you write an article like this, please base it on facts instead of opinion. thank you
this guys dumb • Feb 12, 2020 at 11:09 am
the guy that wrote this article is not very smart, soccer is a very athletic sport and not every soccer player falls to the ground and starts to cry over a fly hitting them in the face. Also, you need to be very athletic to run distance.
definitely a women not anything else • Feb 3, 2020 at 5:59 pm
haha I saw this and was like (insert interjection) like my sport is super hard and I died while doing it multiple times and it’s like impossible like to like do like and like impossible
your dumb. Please give me attention
ayyyy • Jan 21, 2020 at 10:29 am
this guy should try running a marathon…
Fuzzy Socks • Jan 19, 2020 at 11:26 pm
Lmao, I was just scrolling through this, and I saw the “Equestrian” thing and cracked up. I ain’t a rider, but if y’all think the sport is so easy, why don’t you go ahead and try it.
will • Jan 9, 2020 at 4:55 pm
ok, this completely bs, why is soccer the easiest sport in this list? I have played soccer once and it is probally the most hardest sport I have played in MY OPINION! like imagine running down a 70 yard field at full speed for 90 minutes with a ball on your feet that could possibly get easily stolen. also same with soccer goalies, does anyone know how hard it is for the goalie to save a ball from going in to a huge net. this article is stupid.
Ted • Dec 3, 2019 at 12:23 am
Cracking up!! Can’t believe people are still getting pissed off, hilarious.
Living in Minnesota loved the hockey and referencing to Curling!!
lilia • Nov 30, 2019 at 10:22 pm
Hey, i was reading all the comments and i relized that there are a lot of mean remarks. i agree woth them but wish they put it in a nicer way. anyway i do tennis, dance, cross country, track, tryed horse back riding (equestrian). in both track and cross country you have to work on your breathing, you push yoursef to get a new time that may result in injuring yourself. when i tryed horeback riding it was difficult to even direct the horse on where to go let a lone even step over the jumps. and even though i play tennis table tennis is still hard you have your reflexes and you need hand eye coordination which may seem easy but it isn’t. soccer as just for fun is easy but when you play in games it is way more harder. i played soccer when i was young and i quit because it was a lot of running and injuring myself. rowing is really hard you have to use your upper body and lower but mostly upper. in all the winter sports you need balance which is very hard just stand on one foot for 3 minutes your leg will get tierd. hockey is very hard you have many components of the game that add up together completing the game for intense ice skating is hard by itself. volleyball is very hard you need hand eye coordination and your serve doesn’t always go over the net. all the sports require a lot of time and effort by working out and being on a strict diet. people underestimate all the work a athelete does to play a sport. all sports are hard even tag btw i don’t beleve that 500 high school students have a 4 minute mile.
Ange • Nov 19, 2019 at 1:06 pm
Hockey is probably the fucking hardest sport to play bet you’ve never skated in your life and my “ridiculously sized pads” keep me from getting seriously injured while 16 yr old guys launch rubber discs at me (I’m a goalie) so stop talking shit about sports that are way harder than u think
Kadence • Nov 9, 2019 at 5:32 pm
Well my best-friend plays hockey, for one this is not true! And my other bff plays soccer they’re always getting hurt! They are not fricking easy! Hockey players get concussions and get cut by blades some times! So screw you! You couch-potato! Eff you you have probably never played a sport in your life! You’re probably alone and sad so you decide to go and insult others sports, like how would you know?! Think about others for you go talking crap! Get a life potato!
William Greene • Sep 5, 2019 at 8:43 am
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CJ • Sep 4, 2019 at 5:21 pm
Dude you couch patato get a life lose some weight and go fucking try to snowboard yourself you fat fuck
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Sa Cell • Jun 22, 2019 at 3:15 pm
I completely agree i was just about to argue about that
... • Jun 16, 2019 at 3:38 pm
Literally every “Top ten hardest sports lists” has Ice Hockey in the top 5. This is because it is a sport where you have 10 skaters moving at 20 mph+ speeds with reduced balance because of their skates alongside the physicality involved. People get knocked out on the ice all the time and concussions are farely frequent as well. Barefist fighting is permitted during the game although it results in a 5 minute penalty minimum. The author should really watch the “Ice Guardians” documentary and check his facts next time. Pretty much all the sports listed should not be there.
Jaqueese DaShante • May 28, 2019 at 10:21 am
Who ever made this is probably an old couch potato that has a smokers cough and drinks a bottle of vodka everyday, let me hear your opinion when you can even get out of your house you fat fuck. Every one of these sports are hard dumbass you’ve only watched it on you tv and said you could do that easily, buddy you weigh 300lb 😂😂😂
Jaqueese shingralaki • May 28, 2019 at 10:20 am
Who ever made this is probably an old couch potato that has a smokers cough and drinks a bottle of vodka everyday, let me hear your opinion when you can even get out of your house you fat fuck. Every one of these sports are hard dumbass you’ve only watched it on you tv and said you could do that easily, buddy you weigh 300lb 😂😂😂
Stubbs • Apr 15, 2019 at 12:59 am
does no one realize this whole article is just bait. chill out.
Christina • Mar 30, 2019 at 7:35 pm
This article has to just be a complete joke, just because something seems easy doesn’t mean that it actually is. I feel that this article is being based off of fake judgments and shouldn’t even be published…
Sport-aholic • Apr 10, 2019 at 2:32 pm
Honestly every single sport is hard when you’re really going for it. School gym classes makes some sports just look stupid. But come on guys. Obviously the easiest sport ever tag. Duh.
ellaandricky • Mar 25, 2019 at 4:27 pm
I just can’t even with this persons stupidity. Equestrian? Easy? Yall are kidding. I have claves and thighs of steel from riding. Most people would run away from an angry 1,200-pound animal, but us equestrians cluck and aren’t afraid of it. We trust our lives with something that could kill us in an instant. We do way more than just sit. You think that the horse does all the work, but if it did, it would just stand there. It wouldn’t do anything. WE give it aids. WE control it. WE have to work as a team. Yall need to get educated. I can almost guarantee that I have more core strength than you. I have gotten, bitten, run over, and a concussion from this, but what do I do? I get back on. We have a silent language, that no one could understand. You say that the horse does all the work, but I say that I’m doing it right. It’s not supposed to be obvious that were giving aids to the horse(and by aids, I mean cues for all you non-equestrians). It’s supposed to look seamless. I just want to see you try to do what we do and then tell me if it’s so easy.
ellaandricky • Mar 25, 2019 at 4:27 pm
I just can’t even with this persons stupidity. Equestrian? Easy? Yall are kidding. I have claves and thighs of steel from riding. Most people would run away from an angry 1,200-pound animal, but us equestrians cluck and aren’t afraid of it. We trust our lives with something that could kill us in an instant. We do way more than just sit. You think that the horse does all the work, but if it did, it would just stand there. It wouldn’t do anything. WE give it aids. WE control it. WE have to work as a team. Yall need to get educated. I can almost guarantee that I have more core strength than you. I have gotten, bitten, run over, and a concussion from this, but what do I do? I get back on. We have a silent language, that no one could understand. You say that the horse does all the work, but I say that I’m doing it right. It’s not supposed to be obvious that were giving aids to the horse(and by aids, I mean cues for all you non-equestrians). It’s supposed to look seamless. I just want to see you try do do what we do and then tell me if it’s so easy.
Randall Miller • Mar 20, 2019 at 1:13 pm
This has to be a joke. Hockey is most definitely one of the most difficult sports to play. It’s one of the toughest sports and there’s no”gliding”. There are tons of systems and plays u have u to learn and perform it into a game. You cannot just play hockey. Developing a shot, perfecting your skating and so much more are required. At any time u can be seriously injured. This list about all of these sports are misunderstood and wrong. I feel sorry for the guy who wrote this.
hey i row • Feb 2, 2019 at 9:52 pm
Please tell me this is a joke…rowing is not easy and is not for lazy people. Sitting actually makes it harder, as it is an irregular movement, and it requires a lot of strength not only in your arms, but also your legs and abs. Not to mention how mentally strong you have to be, and the lack of oxygen towards the end of most races.
Henry • Jan 18, 2019 at 6:20 pm
This person has never played hockey
Equestrian • Dec 28, 2018 at 11:21 pm
Are you stupid?? Horse riding.. easy?? Impossible! Have you practiced 4 hours a day, 7 days a week, thinking “what could scare my horse?” “Is my position correct?” While having your heels down, thumbs up, and eyes forward, making sure your thigh is holding but not pinching the saddle, have you TRAINED a 1,000 pound animal that can KILL you? Have you jumped something HIGER then you? Have you gone FULL SPEED TOWARDS a OBSTACLE TALLER THEN you? Have you FALLEN from a animal TALLER THEN YOU? You have know idea what risk we take here, one wrong move we could die, have you ever thought you could die doing this? I’ve trained some Tennessee Walkers to jump, not easy. YOU try riding my horse (or a horse) then you can come to me and say how easy it is
troy welch • Dec 20, 2018 at 9:52 am
this man is very lazy and probably cant run a mile. running like track, cross country and other sports that you have to be very strong, determined, and have to be very fit for. i play soccer, track, and cross country and i can tell you, these are no “easy” sports. if you ever tried to do cross country in your life you would probably fall down and start crying because of the pure pain, and agony of this sport. tell me this can you run 8 miles without stopping, o even 2 miles in at least 15 min. try doing soccer for one season. i bet you can’t go 5 mins without calling for a sub. on a super hot day with no clouds in the sky. just try to do what runners and soccer players have to go through. and all the other sports on this list are still very hard, and pain inducing. just try to play one of these sports for a day, i bet you would have to go back to your room and eat 3 family sized bags of cheetos, while watching my little pony. please do not write any other article involving any sports of any kind!
TMW Commentor • Oct 29, 2018 at 11:50 pm
Milenials days dont have the grit that my generation had. New rules and participation trophies have made sports 2 easy. BAck in my day u never let an animal play a sport for you. you had to put in the hard work and swet and tears. Baseball obvioulsy isn’t on this list because it is easily the hardest and most tolling sport but millenials reuined it with their analytics.
wow • Dec 30, 2018 at 12:40 pm
you are an idiot
Hockey girl_16 • Oct 28, 2018 at 4:16 pm
Wow! I know this is from years ago but seriously I’m a 15 year old girl who’s been playing her whole life and i guarantee if you tried playing hockey i bet I wouldn’t be all “sliding and gliding”. Hockey is one of the hardest sports in the world. Clearly you’ve never played ANY sport before. Find something better to do with your time.
The Leader of the Equestrian Gang • Oct 25, 2018 at 5:01 pm
OK HORSEBACK GANG I don’t know who wrote this article but they clearly were dropped on their head as a child. When was the last time you had to jump a course with a horse trying to throw you off after every fence? I’ll wait.
Never ridden a horse before, eh? That’s what I thought. Here, let me educate you.
We ride horses throughout the entire year, in almost any weather. That means we’re out there when it’s 25 degrees Fahrenheit and when it’s 95 degrees Fahrenheit, rain, snow, or sun. Horses get moody in weather changes, and if you ride a horse like mine, your horse is already a moody brat. You have to use your core to sit up and support your weight AND your horses, and if they try to buck you best be sure you are nice and strong, otherwise you are coming RIGHT OFF. Your legs, arms, head, and seat must all be in the correct position at the right time, otherwise you might lose your BALANCE. That’s right my dude, there is balance involved in horseback riding! Kind of hard to believe, but since you’ve never ridden a horse before I’ll let you think about it for a second.
Ok, so now that you’ve thought about it, I’m going to mention one more thing: horses have minds of their own. Unlike humans, horses can just decide they don’t want to participate in whatever activity it is that you are doing anymore. And that means (guess what) buck buck, rear rear, best hope your balance and core strength are on point or else CABOOM you dead boi.
Seth A. • Oct 22, 2018 at 3:34 pm
Ur an idiot all these sports are hard and soccer is a much harder sport than people realize until they play it.
Soccer Player • Oct 18, 2018 at 2:10 pm
This is the dumbest author i’ve ever seen. I don’t think i’ve ever read a more incorrect article in my life. I play soccer and I can’t explain how wrong you are. I may believe soccer is more difficult than some other sports but still the other sports you mentioned are very difficult as well. Why don’t you get your butt out from behind the computer you sit at all day and talk to some professional players and maybe you’ll gain a little respect for these sports.
Seth A. • Oct 22, 2018 at 3:35 pm
Equestrian • Oct 2, 2018 at 1:48 pm
I disagree. Hmm… where to start. Hockey: I’ve never played Hockey, but I know it is definitely not just sliding and gliding. Snowboarding: honestly I cracked up reading this. “I don’t really know how this sport works.” Please do your research before writing an article (that was not sarcastic, it really is a suggestion).Snowboarding: Snowboarding is really hard, and it is not uncommon to break a bone. Soccer: Although I neither play nor watch the sport, I still recognize the difficulty. Rowing: Rowing hurts. This is not a sport for someone who does not have a significant amount of strength. Equestrian: wow. I really don’t even know how to put this. Do you know how hard it is to stay on a horse while it jumps? Do you know how hard it is just to keep control over yourself and the horse while an instructor or judge shouts orders to you? You know what? Don’t even think about the actual riding. Do you know how hard it is to just put a saddle on a horse? Pony rides do not count. Table Tennis: your reflexes have to be very very quick. you have to be able to serve, rally and think quick all at the same time. not to mention the stress of a ball flying at your face. Ski Jumping: I have been skiing for three years, and all I can manage is a 5 inch jump. Skiing alone takes a lot of work, but ski jumping is even harder. Indoor Volleyball: Volleyball can leave bruises for weeks and is really hard. Distance running: this requires lots and lots of endurance. Alpine Skiing: this is without a doubt one of the most dangerous sports. you are not simply letting the hill do the work for you. It requires skill and control.
please do not think I am rude, I just wanted to point this out.
Equestrian • Oct 2, 2018 at 5:04 pm
I believe this may be a joke to irritate people.
Soccer Player • Oct 18, 2018 at 2:12 pm
Makes sense. Still annoying
Matt • Sep 27, 2018 at 11:24 am
You should check your information because some of these sport is one of the hardest sports there are. In the NHL the hits, hand-eye coordination, and skating are very difficult. Same with the other sports like running, they need to be in the serious fit. All of these sports are difficult, you would know if you played a sport.
Other other rowing girl • Sep 23, 2018 at 1:25 pm
You have clearly never rowed. It is a difficult sport using your full body. Also, you almost die because your cells don’t get enough oxygen so your body floods with acid to save your life. It doesn’t make it easy, but it make it possible.
Cat • Sep 12, 2018 at 3:54 pm
Okay fine if horseback riding is so easy why don’t you show me how to properly jump a 5’5 jump! I agree with everyone in the comments seriously learn what your talking about and maybe try controlling a half ton animal with your legs! And how is hockey and volleyball easy? Okay bye👋🏻
hi there • Sep 8, 2018 at 5:36 pm
This whole article is idiotic. Each sport is extremely tough in their own manner, especially at the Olympic level. I play soccer myself and while flopping can be a big problem at times, it does not cancel out every other tough aspect of the sport, including the physicality and mentality involved to even have a chance. People get serious injuries all the time, the pressure is extreme, players run an average of 7 miles a game, and the simple grace/skill you need to handle the ball, along with quick thinking, is something that is incredibly difficult to master. It’s easy to point your finger and scold until you, yourself are the one out on the pitch or whatever other playing field involved in these sports.
Hockey girl_16 • Oct 28, 2018 at 4:20 pm
Your a pretty smart person
Person • Sep 7, 2018 at 4:50 pm
Obviously This person has never played a sport in there life
Bruh • Sep 1, 2018 at 3:54 pm
**says the person who sits on their computer and does nothing all day hating on all sports**
Mackenzie • Aug 8, 2018 at 11:36 pm
“I wouldn’t call those strenuous” in reference to rodeo. Immediately lost all respect
Joy • Aug 8, 2018 at 6:56 am
You don’t stand in one place to play table tennis you noob.Not only does table tennis require skill,fitness and reflexes you also need to have TECHNIQUE.You also need really good footwork in table tennis,the grandma is there because there is something in every sport called veteran or senior level competition.You obviously never even played any of these sports except table tennis whith your brother in the garage I assume.Also volleyball is difficult too,it stings when you receive or pass the ball so dealing with pain isn’t easy.
Hockey74 • Aug 4, 2018 at 2:39 pm
This is honestly one of the dumbest things I’ve ever read. Hockey is not an “easier version of soccer” You try to skate and tell me how that goes. In hockey you hit people, the goals are smaller, goalies are bigger, and you are going at fast speeds for pretty much the whole game
Actually played a sport • Jul 28, 2018 at 6:38 am
Obviously never played any sport in his life 😂 saying that heaps of freshmen run under 4:42 mike. Like yeah but could they do that same effort 42 times in a row without stopping? Don’t think so mate
Equestrians play one of the most dangerous sport • Jul 19, 2018 at 7:29 pm
The horse doesn’t do everything. If it did, then why isn’t everyone who has ridden a horse before jumping 2m high and galloping across XC courses? I ask you, have you ever fallen 2m from a machine that is 10 TIMES YOUR SIZE running at over 50m/ph? Have you ever trusted, something with a mind of its own? Have you ever worked 5 hours a day 7 days a week, doing the same thing over and over again?
I’ve seen footballers cry and scream because they tripped on the field. WE FALL INTO 3METRE DEEP DITCHES WITH WATER AND A HUGE LOG TO JUMP AND WE GET STRAIGHT BACK ON!
Around 200 PEOPLE DIE EACH YEAR FROM RIDING, about 25 do from football.
You could DIE from one little mistake. Our teammate is a 1000 pound animal that speaks a different language.
You risk your life EVERY TIME you get into that saddle.
You think it may take no skill, but in reality, it requires strength, balance, trust, and stamina, just to name the most important.
You obviously haven’t ever ridden a horse, probably just a pony ride.
So think again. Is horse riding a sport? Is it hard?
El Mehdi Adissa • Jul 17, 2018 at 8:21 am
Hhhhh really who wrote this bullshit. “soccer is just plain boring. Who wants to sit through a 90 minute game to see…” do you even know how much earnings in this industry, I bet not.
El Mehdi Adissa • Jul 17, 2018 at 8:19 am
hhhhh really who wrote all of this bullshit. “Soccer is just plain boring. Who wants to sit through a 90 minute game to see…” do you know how much earnings in this industry, I bet not.
Jsbshshssnsnsksmsjehry • Jul 16, 2018 at 4:13 pm
Whoever wrote this article was one of those middle school geeks who couldn’t play sports for shit and we’re jelouse of all the jocks
Ron • Jul 16, 2018 at 1:15 pm
Wow great logic there with distance running. 4:42 average in a marathon is unbelievable. How can you even compare 26.2 miles to 1?? And if 4:42 is an average that wasn’t even the fastest mile. Clearly whoever wrote this has no knowledge on athletics or math.
Seriously, people? • Jul 10, 2018 at 5:31 pm
This is bullshit. Sorry, but it’s true.
I’ve only done riding and rowing here enough to have an opinion, but both are difficult. I’m sure other things there are just as hard.
My brother does rowing and is at his club six days a week, doing physical training and running before they even get into the boat. He’s in there for at least four hours. In all weather. Snow? Sure. Thirty five degree heat? Of course. Bucketing rain? Absolutely. Yeah, not easy.
You’ve also clearly never been on a horse??? Like, c’mon, the horse does not do all the work. It’s difficult.
Look, just to say, the next time you decide to make a list like this, maybe try the sports first. Don’t embarrass yourself like you’ve just done.
Guest • Jul 5, 2018 at 4:50 pm
you should take a guess why football isn’t in the olympics. IT IS ONLY PLAYED IN THE U.S
Guest • Jul 5, 2018 at 4:47 pm
None of This is True. Ski Jumping is so hard to get the correct technique when ski jumping. In fact it us so hard that most professional ski jumpers start training at age 6. It is such a difficult sport some people have died attempting jumps such as the 90 meter. Rowing is not a lazy sport either. These professional athletes have to train hours a day every day. You have to have a lot of upper body strength to row. I recommend a book called The Boys in the Boat. This book will prove to you how very hard rowing can be. Another sport that is EXTREMELY hard is distance running. Distance running does involve a certain type of skill. Speed and stamina. Clearly you have never run more than a couple miles. Try running an ultimate marathon ( 100 miles). Does that sound easy. to run long distances you always have to be in very good shape. Stop trash talking these sports and till you actually have the athletic skills to do them. In fact none of the sports you talked about are easy the all take a very specific skill set. For all I know maybe you are just terrible at all these sports and are ashamed that you don’t have the skill set to do them.
Girraffe • Jul 2, 2018 at 11:14 pm
Um Football or “soccer” requires a lot of skill,balance,
endurance, and a game where scoring is cherished. The most popular sport 8n the world.They add extra time from what was wasted.If they still tie they go into extra time, if not then penalties.
Zak • Jun 30, 2018 at 3:49 pm
Whoever made this doesn’t know sports
Cleo • Jun 23, 2018 at 4:35 pm
are you just a lazy human? How dare you. Do you know what horse riding is? Did you just write this with no research or anything? This is an opinion piece not an informational. No skill? Excuse me? I will put ou ontop of my horse five feet from the ground and tell you to jump 6 feet tal jump. Do you play any sports? Do you know what athletes are? Do you just think that yoiu sitting in your moms trailer writing this article is a sport?
Harley • Jun 22, 2018 at 9:16 am
Let’s talk after you get on a 1500 pound animal that could kill you in an instant and try to jump it around a 4’6” course.
Nicholas • Jun 17, 2018 at 2:10 pm
Considering hockey players are the healthiest of any sport (obviously not dental) hockey is easily top 5 hardest sports to play
LOL • Jul 19, 2018 at 7:31 pm
Hockey is like te easiest sport to play. You just run around with a stick hitting a ball
Kilian • Nov 1, 2018 at 1:52 pm
By hockey he means Ice Hockey. Still field hockey is hard
Rowing girl • Jun 15, 2018 at 11:02 pm
You have obviously never done rowing. I have and it is so painful you’re probably to weak to handle it. We also do it in the rain and snow there is no condition that we don’t sit through. It is a full body workout and I promise you if you tried it your opinion would change. Also I saw another website and it was more liable and it said that it was the 5th hardest Olympic sport
Other rowing girl • Sep 20, 2018 at 8:45 pm
I agree. We aren’t just sitting down. We use our legs to drive, and we use our arm to push us. We have to do this for 2000-5000 meters, and we can’t stop. Technic is crucial, and without perfect timing, you pretty much can’t win. Don’t even get me STARTED on talking about crabs.
Rowing guy • Oct 20, 2018 at 12:06 pm
Crabs are the WORST. You have a risk of being ejected out of the boat and getting hurt along the way from hitting riggers.
Guest • May 30, 2018 at 4:58 pm
Okay, horseback riding is hard. You can’t “just sit there”, and the horse doesn’t do the work for you. Obviously, you have not actually tried to ride a horse before, and no, pony rides don’t count. You have to actually work to do this sport. Its not easy, it’s extremely hard to work with a horse that is more than twice your size and more than three times your weight. Honestly, I would like to see you try this “easy sport”.
Twigler • May 29, 2018 at 10:55 am
Who ever made this clearly has never played a game og hockey in their life😂😂😂😂
Haha • Jul 19, 2018 at 7:30 pm
To me hockey is easy
You just run around with a stick and hit a ball
Benjamin • Feb 4, 2019 at 11:38 am
It’s not a ball it’s a puck.
Micro Manager • Apr 10, 2019 at 2:28 pm
You were destined to be corrected the moment you posted this 😂😂
Soccer • May 9, 2018 at 9:54 pm
I disagree with the soccer part its a lot that is a lot that is put into soccer i wonder have you played all of these before.
Jhaspar • Nov 14, 2018 at 12:31 am
Whoever made this does not know what is soccer
Anonymous • Jan 26, 2019 at 4:41 pm
This guy has no idea how to play any of these sports. The facts are hyperbolic and incorrect, and this isn’t in any way informational, but just ridiculing sports.
christiano • Feb 18, 2019 at 2:18 pm
obviously they don’t know what there talking about if they have played the sport they probably wouldn’t say that about it.
soccer is much more than running around after a ball some people are men’t for it and some aren’t they just have to face it if they tried this sport and thought it was just chasing a ball then why did they even tryout for it
The Truth • Jul 16, 2019 at 5:48 pm
Soccers definitely one of the hardest sports this person obviously has never played a sport before
Volleyball player • Apr 4, 2018 at 12:47 am
Seriously indoor volleyball is one of the hardest sports to play. Clearly you just haven’t played it yet. If you don’t think risking your body to get a ball up is hard and yes you have teammates but that’s what makes the sport difficult you have to learn to adjust to each payer each season. Also you don’t know how many scars and bruises I get from volleyball. So maybe you should do some research and get updated
Volleyball • Oct 21, 2018 at 9:49 pm
OMG, I saw volleyball as one and just laughed. Like are you serious, this person is just dumb and wrong. Why is volleyball so underrated.
I hate this article • Dec 13, 2018 at 8:43 pm
I completely agree with you. The author of this article is dumb and probably supper unathletic, so is taking his anger out on actual hard sports like volleyball.
Rhys • Nov 11, 2018 at 8:42 pm
Um… I’m an equestrian, and it is not only one of the most dangerous sports you can do, but it is freaking hard! The horse does not do all the work, your going at about 20 miles per hour jumping over 6 foot fences on an animal that if 1200 Ib! And if that’s not enough they have a mind of there own and can kill you in a matter of seconds…
Yasssss • Dec 7, 2018 at 8:05 pm
SAME!!!! When I saw it on this list I was like ARE U KIDDING ME???? I have trouble just getting over a ten jump course at 2’. 😂😂
Livinia • Dec 9, 2018 at 9:08 pm
Horseback riding is actually the hardest Olympic sport, so whoever the crap wrote this article should’ve done some research. All of these sports are hard, and I’m saying that having not played a lot of them. Also, the writer of this was not only incorrect about all of these, but also extremely disrespectful. if you’re going to write this without doing any research, then use some respect and think about all of the people who will read this and who play some of these sports.
Nat equestrian • Jun 22, 2019 at 3:08 pm
I completely agree i was just about to argue about that
Sa Cell • Jun 22, 2019 at 3:10 pm
I completely agree i was just about to argue about that
erty • Apr 10, 2019 at 11:36 am
i am so with you
The Truth • Jul 16, 2019 at 5:47 pm
lol this ones funny