Every week the staff of The Mac Weekly take a ritual trip down the road to the local Trader Joe’s. This pilgrimage is more than just a snack run; it is the fuel that powers the mysterious society that is the staff of The Mac Weekly. This week we reveal the deepest secrets of our organization: our top ten weekly snack picks. Get ready to rumble, world. The snack train is a-coming.
Joe Joe’s:
As any loyal Food & Drink reader would know, we sure do love our Oreos. Every week one can find a newly-opened box of some sort of creme cookie in our office. The cookies are always a hit, but the general consensus is that Joe Joe’s, the Trader Joe’s version of the Oreo, are the frontrunner. They come in a multitude of flavors, ranging from the standard vanilla and chocolate to peppermint and even a festive pumpkin.
Cheese Plate:
Another staple in The Mac Weekly office, this delight has been absent for the past few weeks. The Trader Joe’s Cheese Plate is a spread of four cheeses: pepperjack cheese and three others that will forever be ambiguous and full of calcium. While these babes keep our bones strong they also add that flare that we really need on a long Wednesday night. Always slightly sweaty, these cheeses pair perfectly with everything from crackers, chips, infinity and beyond!

Cookie Butter:
It has (probably) been said that one should never mix cookies and butter, but whoever said that was completely wrong. While cookie butter is nothing like the concoction that would occur from actually mixing cookies with a couple of sticks of butter, it is almost as good. This scrumptious treat comes in Original, Cookie & Cocoa Swirl and Cookies & Creme. The butter contains Speculoos, which are delicious Belgian cookies, as the third ingredient, making this dip heaven in a jar.
Snap Peas:
Once I ate an entire bag of these in one sitting, and while after consuming the equivalent of 77 beans, I only felt relatively ill. Labeled “Trader Joe’s Contemplates Inner Peas,” everything about this snack confuses me. They slightly resemble snap peas in a few ways: they are green and oblong, but that is where the similarities end. They taste more like salty rice cakes than anything else, which contrasts oddly with the pale green color. If this snack were on “Dancing with the Stars” it would be that couple that does an adorable yet sloppy rendition of the tango, winning over hearts, but not the votes of the public.
Spicy Black Bean Dip:
Don’t let the “Fat Free” on this label fool you: this dip is exquisite, and makes eating any chip — tortilla, salt & pepper or just plain ole’ potato — delightful and zesty. The black bean flavor comes through nice and strong, but it’s got enough other flavors to make every bite interesting and eventful. Pair it with tortilla chips for nourishment that’ll get you through the longest, darkest layout nights, all while keeping you full the whole time.
Salt & Pepper Chips:
A solid addition to The Mac Weekly snack table. This chip adds a little pizazz to an otherwise very sweet and savory assortment. Tangy and with the sharp taste of black pepper these cut the taste of all else and entirely clean one’s palate. There has yet to be a week where these crispy accomplices haven’t made an appearance, and to be honest if they were missing, I would definitely notice. Stay you, stay cool. xoxo Kate.
Chocolate-Covered Espresso Beans:
Chocolate. Espresso. Covering. Beans. These are all of my favorite things. The first time I had these, I didn’t put two and two together and forgot that ‘espresso beans’ meant they had caffeine in them. If you want to be up all night with a full stomach, feeling jittery and nervous, these are perfect for you. Which means they’re perfect for The Mac Weekly layout. (In all seriousness, these are delicious. They’re a bit pricier than other Snack Weeklys, but they are worth every penny.)
Tortilla Chips:
Can’t go wrong. Seriously, can’t go wrong. They’re not just for Superbowl parties or laying in bed, binging House of Cards and filling your bed with crumbs. You can eat these any time day or night and you will never, ever regret it. They’re guaranteed. If you eat them and you get as much as a cut on your lip, you can take them back to Trader Joe’s, and a cashier named Ezra with a manbun will ring that bell and give you your money back.*
*None of that will actually happen. But you’ll love these tortilla chips, since they’re nice and versatile, and go with pretty much any salsa. (Especially the pineapple.) Also, pair them with the Spicy Black Bean Dip. You really won’t regret it. (See above.)
Hummus deserves an article all to itself. There’s so many types, so many different uses for it, that this short blurb doesn’t do it justice. Every week, we seemingly get a different type, and thankfully we’re not bored of it yet. For this layout, we went all out — a hummus sampler. Roasted garlic, spicy, tomato basil, plain, oh my! You know, it’s hummus, so you can use it on pretty much anything. If you’re feeling like a crazy night out on the town, go with spicy. Roasted garlic: go salsa dancing and then hit up Mac at Nite just for the food. Tomato basil: night bike ride down to the river, where you run into a group of St. Thomas hooligans around a bonfire. Plain: a cozy night in with new Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt episodes and your knitting.
Victoria Paterson • Sep 6, 2019 at 3:00 pm
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