The Mac Weekly exit polled a total of 230 students outside the Macalester Plymouth United Church, including 228 current students and 2 alumni. Because this precinct is composed in large part of on-campus residents, our results are weighted towards the first- and second-year classes. Graphic by Hannah Catlin ’21Macalester students who voted at Macalester Plymouth United Church largely preferred Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT). Graphic by Katherine Irving ’22Minneapolis and St. Paul, illustrated here by precinct, voted overwhelmingly for Senator Bernie Sanders. Map by Jonah Wexler ’23.When The Mac Weekly asked students why they supported their chosen candidate, they overwhelmingly indicated that the policies of their choice won them over. Graphic by Katherine Irving ’22.For students who named policy as their primary deciding factor, health care and climate change led the pack among student concerns. Graphic by Katherine Irving ’22