The opinion piece below is an updated version of the article entitled “Facing pressure to study away” that appeared in the print edition of The Mac Weekly on Friday, March 8, 2013.
What would we get anything done if we didn’t have social pressures? There’s no getting around the fact that they exist—and college campuses carry their own variety (so no, they didn’t die in high school.) Macalester, whose culture one that is outspokenly embraces the idea of ‘the nerd,’ has astonishing pressure to be cool, whatever that means. Would we all be homely, shaggy people if it wasn’t for this pressure?
In the same rite, would anything get done if no one studied abroad at Macalester? This is a question and a pressure I don’t feel gets enough acknowledgement. Perhaps this is the same among other upper-tier liberal arts colleges, but Macalester is, as we all know, obsessively ponderous over ‘internationalism,’ whatever that means.
Let me at least say I am probably an anomaly for what it means to be truly international in the context of this college. I actually don’t even have a passport, and I’ve only met one other person here who doesn’t either. I walk around this campus and I feel like people are yelling out “Hey, your internationalism is showing!” or obviously, my lack thereof. I’m left wondering whether it’s enough to read about the world and not be a part of it like so many people here have? Hence, my dilemma: to go abroad or not?
Now, the difficult part of growing your friend-group at Macalester is that you have to face the likely fact that many of them will go abroad, and they will probably do so at different times. If you are going abroad as well, you may very well not see some of them for an entire year. While I dealt with a close friend going abroad as a foreign exchange student for a year in high school, and distance makes the heart grow fonder (etc, etc,) this news is very hard to swallow. I came to Macalester with ambitious plans to complete a double major and a minor, and while I still keep most of those plans, going abroad was sort of a luxurious, yet out-of-the-question idea. As we got closer to the February 26th deadline, the reality of my friends leaving got closer too as they finalized countries and programs.
I, regretfully, joined in with making plans. I was going to go abroad so I wouldn’t be without my friends for a whole semester, and because of the creepy feeling that it was somehow expected of me. Now, as the deadline has passed, I am happy I consciously decided to not submit a proposal. People seem confused when I tell this, which is disappointing.
Some of my friends think that studying abroad is the most important aspect of a college experience. While many people here hold that to be personally true, I don’t. Going abroad is a difficult and possibly amazing opportunity that people tend to think should take because they can. While the idea of you’ll never have this opportunity again rings very true to me, I don’t believe in taking opportunities simply because they exist: there are times, there are places. I don’t want my first experience abroad to be four months long. I am happy to decline this generous offering Macalester is making because I’m not ready to make quite a leap.
I don’t think study abroad should be undervalued—if there’s an amazing program that really speaks to you, you should probably do it, and it will probably be a highlight of your life. In the same way, it shouldn’t be romanticized. It’s a very sensitive, personal decision. You may approach it differently depending on your international exposure. I have been to 16 states and I’ve never traveled outside the US, and Macalester culture constantly pushes me to change that last part. But, the answer right now is no.
Macalester would probably rather see me march bravely into the ‘real world,’ when the spoiler is that I’m already part of it. I hope people here value this decision enough to take it with the seriousness it deserves. I hope when you choose to go abroad, your reasons don’t include pressure from this campus. I won’t allow traveling to be so important that my whole education hinges on it—it’s not fair to Macalester, whose goal is that you eventually learn what that esoteric word ‘internationalism’ really means. In the meantime, I’m reassured that the world isn’t going anywhere, and that I can take my education to guide me when it’s my time.
Caroline Robertson • Sep 7, 2019 at 1:28 pm
You could certainly see your enthusiasm in the paintings you write. The world hopes for even more passionate writers like you who are not afraid to say how they believe. All the time go after your heart.
온라인 카지노 • Sep 5, 2019 at 2:35 am
You have an interesting take on this subject. Your writing style is also uniquely entertaining. I’ve bookmarked your website and would be visiting it regularly from now on.
예스벳88 • Sep 4, 2019 at 11:05 pm
Your writing style is cutely entertaining. Keep up the good work! You could be the next big influencer very soon.
안전놀이터 • Aug 12, 2019 at 5:30 am
바카라 공략 8 – 승부보는법,카지노커뮤니티
벳365 게임 텍사스 홀덤이기는방법 윌리엄힐 게임 텍사스
홀덤 시스템베팅 패디파워 게임 텍사스 홀덤필승법
★ 원문보기 –
안전놀이터 • Jul 20, 2019 at 7:39 pm
바카라 표 보는 방법에 대해 알아봅시다.
중국점이란 일종의 그림을 그리는것 입니다.
바카라 게임에서 나와야할 그림이 나오는 상황과 그 반대 상황을
표로 기록해 다음것을 예상하는 것을 중국점 이라 합니다.
중국점은 1군 / 2군 / 3군으로 나뉘어 설명되는것이 일반적이며, 절대 맹신하지 말되 참고하는 용도로
보시면 좋습니다. 흔히들 그림대로 나온다 혹은 그림 반대로 나온다
라는 말들을 많이 하십니다. 그렇다면 그 그림의 기준은
무엇일까요? 여러개가 있겠죠, 단발로 나오든 연속으로 나오든 그 그림을 의미합니다.
일종의 바카라 패턴을 말하는것 이죠.
이 개념을 유념해 두시기 바랍니다. 우선 앞으로 나올 표에
대해서 그림대로 나오는것을 빨간색으로
표시하고, 그림 반대로 나오는 경우를 파란색으로 표시하겠습니다.
그림상 파란색은 플레이어/빨간색은 뱅커/노란색은 타이 입니다.
또 각각 위/아래로 나누어 결과/중국점 순서대로 표를 나누어 보겠습니다.
뱅커 순서대로 처음이 시작되는것을 볼 수
있습니다. 따라서 1번째칸은 플레이어 2번째칸은 뱅커가
나왔습니다. 중국점 1군은 2번째칸의 세컨결과 or 세번째 칸의 결과로 그리기 시작합니다.
위의 표에서는 2번째칸 뱅커가 단발로
끝나 플레이어로 넘어갔으므로, 세번째칸의 플레이어가 중국점의 시작점이 되는것 입니다.
세번째칸 역시 단발이므로 중국점의 시작점이
빨간색으로 표시되게 된겁니다.